There are only 2 nursing homes located in Marksville, Louisiana, providing for a population of 11,502 people. This small group of facilities earned on average an overall grade of B, which is a very solid score for the city. We found this city grade to be considerably better than the city grade of C received by the nearby city of Alexandria. While that isn't an awful grade, Marksville appears to be a much better bet. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
In addition to receiving a strong overall grade, many of the facilities in Marksville performed spectacularly well in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded Marksville an A+ for this category, which is one of our best scores. Our inspection ratings weigh a host of factors found on a nursing home's inspection reports. One key criteria we rely on is the number and severity of deficiencies. Nursing homes with higher scores in this category typically have few of these severe deficiencies. In addition, we also awarded Marksville an A in our long-term care rating. Finally, the city earned a C for short-term care and a C for nursing.