There are only 2 nursing homes located in New Hartford, New York, servicing a population of 16,135 people. This place's limited supply of nursing homes received a good city grade of B. This is as good or better than the city grade of the average city in the country. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
In addition to performing well in its overall grade, many of the facilities in New Hartford performed spectacularly well in terms of its inspection grade. In fact, some of its facilities received almost flawless inspection reports this year. Consequently, it received one of our best ratings in that category with an A. Our inspection ratings weigh a host of factors found on a nursing home's inspection reports. One key criteria we rely on is the quantity and severity of deficiencies. Places with better scores in this area tend to have few severe deficiencies. In addition, New Hartford earned a B+ for our short-term care category. In the last two categories, this place were awarded a B- for nursing and a B- in long-term care.