Red Oak, Iowa is an average size city with 7,035 people. The city has just 2 nursing homes, which doesn't give you too many choices. These nursing homes here earned this city a city grade of B. This is as good or better than the city grade of most of the cities in the country. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
To pair with its great overall grade, we awarded this city a grade of A- in our inspections rating. We weigh several aspects of a nursing home's inspection report in calculating these inspection scores. One key factor is deficiencies. You should keep in mind that the severity of deficiencies is arguably more important than the quantity of deficiencies, as some are quite minor. The city earned a B+ for its. Rounding out its profile, this place earned grades of B+ and D for our nursing and long-term care categories respectively. For the most part, we were pleased with this place's scores, but it didn't perform well in the area of long-term care.