There are three facilities in Livingston, Texas, so at least you have a few options to choose from. This small group of nursing homes earned on average an overall grade of B, which is a perfectly respectable rating for the city. By way of comparison, we awarded the facilities in the nearby city of Kingwood a city grade of F, which is a far below average grade. Naturally, we found the nursing homes in Livingston to be rated much higher than the ones in Kingwood. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
To pair with its strong overall grade, we awarded this city an A+ in our inspections category. We take several aspects of a facility's inspection report into consideration in calculating our inspection grades. One key factor is deficiencies. It should be noted that the severity of these deficiencies is usually more meaningful than the quantity of deficiencies, as some deficiencies are quite insignificant. In addition, the city performed spectacularly well in the category of long-term care as well. As a result, we awarded Livingston an A- in this category. In our final two categories, this place were awarded a B- for short-term care and a grade of D in nursing. Clearly, nursing proved to be this city's Achilles heel, but a single bad category score shouldn't be over emphasized in your assessment.