Ocean Springs, Mississippi offers only two nursing homes to choose from, so you don't have too many options to choose from. We awarded the nursing homes here city grade of C, which isn't quite as high of a score as we like. Nationally, most cities received a higher score than this city. Finally, this city's nursing homes were consistent in each of our categories. Additional information about these categories can be found below.
This city received an inspection grade which is stronger than its overall grade. We awarded it a strong grade of B+ in this category. Inspection scores are tied to several pieces of information located in the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Places that receive favorable grades in this area tend to have very few deficiencies on their reports. Most importantly, these places generally do not have any severe deficiencies which are associated with endangerment of patients. Ocean Springs's second best grade was in our long-term care category, where it received a C. In the last two categories, the city were awarded a grade of C in our nursing category and a C in short-term care.