There are just 2 nursing homes located in Red Bluff, California, providing for a population of 28,764 people. The nursing homes in this city received a first-rate city grade of A-. Even with just a couple of facilities, this is still a great achievement. This is a better score than the average city in the country. The best aspect of Red Bluff's strong report card was its nursing homes' inspection grades. Inspection reports are discussed in the next paragraph
To go along with its strong overall grade, we awarded Red Bluff an A- in our inspections rating. Inspection ratings take several factors into consideration, including deficiencies and substantiated complaints. You can learn more about each of these items by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. The city performed spectacularly well in terms of its short-term care grade as well. As a result, Red Bluff received an A- in that area. Wrapping up its top notch report card, we awarded the city grades of A- and B+ for our long-term care and nursing areas respectively.