There appears to be just one nursing home in Albertville, Alabama. We were relieved to discover that its only nursing home received an excellent overall grade of A. In fact, this is one of the 50 best cities in the entire nation. This is impressive since we ranked thousands of cities around the country. Although this seems like a great option, we wouldn't blame you if you want to explore other cities to see what they have to offer.
To go along with its strong overall grade, we awarded this city's sole nursing home a grade of A+ for our inspections rating. These inspection grades take several factors into consideration, including deficiencies, substantiated complaints and federal fines. You can find more information about each of these items by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. We also gave this city a grade of A+ for our long-term care rating. Rounding out its straight A report card, we gave Albertville an A- for its nursing grade and an A- in the area of short-term care.