Kingsville, Texas is a medium size city with 30,463 people. The city features just 2 nursing homes, which doesn't provide you with too many choices. This place's nursing homes were given a respectable city grade of B-. This is a middle of the pack grade compared to other cities in the country. You can continue reading to find more information about how this city's nursing homes performed in our category grades.
Despite receiving a somewhat average overall grade, the nursing homes in Kingsville performed remarkably well in our inspections category. In fact, some of the nursing homes in the city received virtually perfect inspection reports this year. Consequently, we awarded Kingsville one of our best grades in that category with a grade of A. Inspection scores weigh a host of factors included in a nursing home's inspection reports. One of the most important criteria we look at is the number and severity of deficiencies. Nursing homes with better grades in this area usually have few of these severe deficiencies. Kingsville performed especially well in our long-term care category as well. As a result, we gave it an A- in that area. In the other categories we looked at, this place earned rock bottom grades in our nursing and short-term care categories respectively.