Life Care Center of Mount Vernon: Nursing Home OverviewSkip to content

Life Care Center of Mount Vernon

  • Nursing Home
  • Memory Care

Updated Nov 1, 2023 by Nick Lata

Historical Rating
Grade: C
Oct 18: DNov 18: DDec 18: DJan 19: B-Feb 19: B-May 19: CJun 19: CJul 19: CAug 19: CSep 19: CJan 20: FMar 20: FApr 20: DMay 20: FJun 20: FJul 20: FAug 20: FSep 20: FOct 20: FNov 20: FJan 21: FFeb 21: FMar 21: DApr 21: DMay 21: DJun 21: DJul 21: FAug 21: FSep 21: FOct 21: DNov 21: DJan 22: FFeb 22: FMar 22: FApr 22: DMay 22: CJun 22: CAug 22: CSep 22: COct 22: B-Nov 22: B-Jan 23: B-Feb 23: B-Mar 23: B-Apr 23: CJun 23: CJul 23: DAug 23: DSep 23: COct 23: CNov 23: C
See Rating Overview
Life Care Center of Mount Vernon's website

2120 East Division Street,
Mount Vernon WA 98273

(360) 424-4258

48.09% estimated occupancy 1

Life Care Center of Mount Vernon is one of just a few nursing homes in Mount Vernon, Washington. This nursing home is a respectable facility, with an overall grade of C. Based on our ratings, there are definitely far worse places out there. One of the better aspects of this facility's profile is its impressive short-term care grade, which we will address in the next paragraph.

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Quick Details

  • Accepts Medicare 1
  • Accepts Medicaid 1
  • No CCRC
  • Has Resident Council
  • No Family Council
  • For profit - Corporation
  • Secure Memory Care 
  • Offers Post-Acute Care 
  • Offers Inpatient Rehab
  • Offers Outpatient Rehab

Specialized Services

  • Personal Care
  • Medication Management
  • Home Making
  • Transportation
  • Speech Therapy
  • IV Antibiotic Therapy
  • Wound Care
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Diabetes Management
  • Physical Therapy
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Recreational Therapy

Registered Staff Hours

Medical Staff Hours Per Patient (2022)
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Short-term Care Quality

Grade: B-plus

This facility's best category grade came in our short-term care category. In that category, we awarded this facility a B+. Our short-term care grade is often employed to gauge a facility's rehabilitation services. To offer highly scored rehabilitation services, nursing homes generally need to feature higher levels of skilled nursing. These types of services include registered nurses, physical therapists, speech therapists and other licensed professionals. Fortunately, it looks like this nursing home has registered nurses on staff. Not every facility employs these types of nurses. On the other hand, based on the information this nursing home provided, it does not look like the facility employs physical therapists. The last item we looked at in this area is the percentage of patients who were able to leave the nursing home and return home. We found that 5.1 percent of this facility's residents were able to return home.

Nurse Quality

Grade: B

This nursing home also excelled in the area of nursing, where it earned an B. Few facilities performed better in this area. The nursing score weighs several components, but the primary one is the level of nurse hours spent with patients. This nursing home averages 0.4 hours of nursing care per resident per day. Finally, we also assessed several nursing quality-based metrics and this place excelled in some of these areas. With less than five percent of its residents sustaining pressure ulcers, it performed as well as any place the country in this category. This is generally a good indicator of quality nursing care. Pressure ulcers can often be avoided by offering better nursing care, such as by having a policy of moving residents more often.

Facility Inspections

Grade: D

Looking to inspections, we gave this nursing home a D, which wasn't one of this nursing home's better scores. Our inspection score is based on the nursing home's inspections. We weigh several aspects of a nursing home's inspection report in calculating our inspection ratings. One key factor is health deficiencies. We would scrutinize the severity of those deficiencies. This particular facility had a category G through L deficiency, which are among the more serious deficiencies. These categories indicate that the deficiencies found by inspectors had potential to pose actual harm to residents. Finally, this facility also received 9 substantiated complaints in recent years. This is yet another bad sign.

Long-term Care Quality

Grade: D

The last area we analyzed was long-term care, which turned out to be a weak spot for this facility. We gave this facility a D for long-term care. If you are looking for anything other than rehabilitation, you should take a close look at each facility's long-term care scores. In addition to looking at the volume of care provided by aids and other staff, we also looked at the percentage of residents vaccinated against pneumonia. This facility administered the vaccine to 100 percent of its patients. To our surprise, this place also keeps its residents out of the hospital. It had just 0 hospitalizations per 1,000 long-term resident days. Unfortunately, some of its other scores in this category were not as favorable as these.

Rating Over Time

Compared to national and state averages across all facilities.

FDCB-BB+A-AA+Oct 18Dec 23

Life Care Center of Mount Vernon Quality Metrics

Minimizes Pressure Ulcers

Grade: B

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 7.32% of Patients had Pressure Ulcers

This measures the percent of long-term residents who suffered from pressure ulcers . We factor in this statistic in computing our nursing grades.

Minimizes Serious Falls

Grade: B

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 3.05% of Patients had Serious Falls

This tells you the percentage of residents who have had a major fall. Falls leading to severe injuries are considered by many experts to be an indicator of nursing care . Falls are routinely caused by lower quality nursing care.

Minimizes Urinary Tract Infections

Grade: B-plus

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 1.22% of Patients had UTIs

This is the percentage of patients who have had a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections are routinely caused by poor nursing care. Additional nurse staffing can limit the percentage of residents in a nursing home who suffer from UTI's. Note that this statistic is affected by by the fact that facilities have varying reporting standards for urinary tract infections.

Appropriately Uses Anti-Psychotic Medication

Grade: B

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 15% of Patients use Anti-Psychotic Medication

This tells you the percent of residents prescribed antipsychotic drugs. Antipsychotic medications are given to residents for many medical conditions, such as Alzheimer's or other dementias. Sadly, in limited situations, excessive reliance on these medications may indicate a nursing home is using these drugs to subdue residents.

Appropriately Uses Anti-Anxiety Medication

Grade: A

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 10.19% of Patients use Anti-Anxiety Medication

This datapoint gauges the percent of long-term patients who were prescribed antianxiety drugs. These drugs are generally given to patients experiencing depression or anxiety.

Managing Depression Among Residents

Grade: B-plus

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 1.32% of Patients

This indicates the percent of residents demonstrating signs of depression.

Appropriate Vaccine Usage

Grade: A

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 100% of Patients

This is the percent of patients who were administered the pneumonia and flu vaccines. High vaccination rates should be standard at this point.

Residents Maintain Autonomy

Grade: B-minus

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 16.03% of Patients

This is the percent of patients that required additional assistance with activities of daily living over time.

Ability to Keep Residents Mobile

Grade: B-plus

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 18.68% of Residents

This datapoint measures the percentage of long-term residents who remained mobile levels.

Short-term Care: Rehospitalizations

Grade: B-minus

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 18.68% of Residents Rehospitalized

This indicates the number of times residents are rehospitalized per 1,000 days of short-term patient care. There is usually a correlation between avoiding hospitalizations and the quality of rehabilitation services.

Short-term Care: ER Visits

Grade: B-minus

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 12.67% of Patients

This indicates the number of emergency room visits per 1,000 days of short-term patient care.

Short-term Care: Facilitates Functional Improvement

Grade: C

In Life Care Center of Mount Vernon, 71.59% of Resident

This is the percent of short-term stay patients that saw functional improvements, such as enhanced ability to perform activities of daily living. High levels of autonomy with ADL's often correlates with higher quality rehabilitation services.

Nearby Hospitals

  • Skagit Valley HospitalAcute Care Hospitals 0.54 miles away1415 Kincaid Street Mount Vernon Washington 98274Government - Hospital District or Authority(360) 424-4111
  • Peacehealth United General Medical CenterCritical Access Hospitals 5.49 miles away2000 Hospital Drive Sedro Woolley Washington 98284Government - Hospital District or Authority(360) 856-6021
  • Island HospitalAcute Care Hospitals 14.83 miles away1211 24th Street Anacortes Washington 98221Government - Hospital District or Authority(360) 299-1300
  • Cascade Valley HospitalAcute Care Hospitals 18.41 miles away330 S Stillaguamish Ave Arlington Washington 98223Government - Hospital District or Authority(360) 435-2133

Nearby Dialysis

  • Renal Care Group Northwest, Inc.0.45 miles away208 Hospital Pkwy Ste A Mount Vernon Washington 98273Dialysis Stations: 27 (360) 336-2978
  • Cascade Dialysis2.9 miles away145 Cascade Place Ste 100 Burlington Washington 98233Dialysis Stations: 4 (360) 707-2404
  • Puget Sound Kidney Centers Anacortes14.45 miles away809 31st St Anacortes Washington 98221Dialysis Stations: 5 (360) 755-3586
  • Whidbey Island Dialysis Center17.23 miles away32650 State Route 20 Bldg D-101 Oak Harbor Washington 98277Dialysis Stations: 5 (360) 240-1596
  • Puget Sound Kidney Center Whidbey Island17.39 miles away430 Se Midway Blvd Oak Harbor Washington 98277Dialysis Stations: 10 (360) 679-6706
  • Puget Sound Kidney Center Smokey Point18.5 miles away18828 Smokey Point Blvd Arlington Washington 98223CMS Rating: 4 stars Dialysis Stations: 28 (360) 454-5280