Beartooth Manor: Nursing Home OverviewSkip to content

Beartooth Manor

  • Nursing Home
  • Assisted Living

Updated Aug 1, 2023 by Nick Reese

Historical Rating
Grade: A-minus
Oct 18: FNov 18: FDec 18: FJan 19: FFeb 19: FMay 19: FJun 19: FJul 19: DAug 19: B-Sep 19: B-Jan 20: CMar 20: CApr 20: BMay 20: BJun 20: BJul 20: BAug 20: BSep 20: BOct 20: B-Nov 20: B-Jan 21: DFeb 21: DMar 21: DApr 21: DMay 21: DJun 21: DJul 21: DAug 21: DSep 21: DOct 21: DNov 21: DJan 22: DFeb 22: DMar 22: DApr 22: DMay 22: DJun 22: DAug 22: DSep 22: DOct 22: DNov 22: B-Jan 23: B+Feb 23: B+Mar 23: B+Apr 23: B+Jun 23: B+Jul 23: A-Aug 23: A-
See Rating Overview
Beartooth Manor's website

350 W Pike Ave,
Columbus MT 59019

(406) 322-5342

Beartooth Manor is an average-sized nursing home located in Columbus, Montana. This facility was awarded an A- overall, which is a very strong grade. Based on all of the relevant data, you can't go wrong with this facility. This nursing home also received consistently good ratings in each of the major categories we assessed. More information about its category grades can be found below.

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Quick Details

  • Accepts Medicare 1
  • Accepts Medicaid 1
  • No CCRC
  • No Resident Council
  • No Family Council
  • For profit - Corporation
  • Offers Inpatient Rehab

Specialized Services

  • Personal Care
  • Medication Management
  • Home Making
  • Transportation
  • Speech Therapy
  • Dentistry
  • Wound Care
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Podiatry
  • Physical Therapy
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Recreational Therapy
  • Audiology

Registered Staff Hours

Medical Staff Hours Per Patient (2022)
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Facility Inspections

Grade: A

On top of performing well overall, this nursing home earned a nearly flawless inspection report. Consequently, it received one of our highest scores in that category with an A. We take several aspects of a facility's inspection report into consideration in computing our inspection scores. One key factor is health deficiencies. You should keep in mind that the severity of the deficiencies is arguably more meaningful than the number of deficiencies, as some of these end up being quite insignificant. While this nursing home had some minor dings on its report, it had zero severe deficiencies. Severe deficiencies are ones found in categories G, H, I, J, K and L. This means that CMS did not deem any of the deficiencies on this facility's report to pose an imminent threat to patient safety or health. The fact that none of the deficiencies were severe made us feel better about this inspection report.

Nurse Quality

Grade: A-minus

We also wanted to emphasize the fact that this facility received an impressive grade of A- in our nursing category. Nursing scores are largely tied to the nursing home's nurse staffing. This facility provided 0 hours of nursing care per resident per day. Finally, our nursing grades also factor in quality-based assessments, such as avoiding major falls. This place performed well in this area. Avoiding major falls is typically a good indicator that a facility has reliable quality controls in place. Major falls can frequently be avoided if more nurses aids and better safety protocols are in place.

Long-term Care Quality

Grade: B-plus

In addition, this nursing home also was awarded favorable long-term care scores in our assessment. Indeed, we gave them one of our higher grades in that area, with a score of B+. Facilities that excel in long-term care typically are well-staffed and provide extensive hands on care to residents. After looking at the volume of care provided by nurses and other staff, we next considered the facility's vaccination data. This facility vaccinated 94.50549 percent of its patients for pneumonia, which is higher than the vast majority of nursing homes. Lastly, this place was able to limit hospitalizations. It had only 0.01 hospitalizations per 1,000 long-term resident days, which is an impressively low number.

Short-term Care Quality

Grade: B

The final category we rated is short-term care, in which this facility received a B. Believe it or not, this ended up being this facility's worst area. A facility could be doing a lot worse when it's lowest score still beats out most facilities. Short-term care grades are commonly employed to assess a nursing home's performance with rehabilitation. In order to offer highly scored rehabilitation services, nursing homes generally need to have higher levels of skilled nursing services. Skilled nursing includes registered nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists and other highly trained professionals. It doesn't look like this facility submitted information about its staffing of registered nurses or physical therapists. Finally, we looked at the percentage of residents who ultimately returned home from this facility. We found that 0 percent of this facility's patients returned home.

Rating Over Time

Compared to national and state averages across all facilities.

FDCB-BB+A-AA+Oct 18Dec 23

Beartooth Manor Quality Metrics

Minimizes Pressure Ulcers

Grade: A+

In Beartooth Manor, 0% of Patients had Pressure Ulcers

This datapoint tells you the percentage of long-term stay patients who are suffering from new or worsened pressure ulcers . We bake this statistic into our nursing grades.

Minimizes Serious Falls

Grade: F

In Beartooth Manor, 7.69% of Patients had Serious Falls

This metric gauges the percent of long-term stay residents who experienced falls leading to major injury. Falls can arise for a variety of reasons, but excessive numbers of falls could be a sign of poor nursing care.

Minimizes Urinary Tract Infections

Grade: B-plus

In Beartooth Manor, 1.1% of Patients had UTIs

This is the percent of residents who have had a urinary tract infection. These infections are associated with inadequate hygiene.

Appropriately Uses Anti-Psychotic Medication

Grade: C

In Beartooth Manor, 21.59% of Patients use Anti-Psychotic Medication

This figure gauges the percent of long-term patients that were prescribed antipsychotic medication. Excessive reliance on these medications may suggest that a nursing home is using these medications to control patient behavior in situations where such drugs aren't medically indicated. However, some nursing homes may need to rely more on these drugs due to an increased number of residents with Alzheimer's or other dementias.

Appropriately Uses Anti-Anxiety Medication

Grade: A-plus

In Beartooth Manor, 7.06% of Patients use Anti-Anxiety Medication

This figure tells you the percent of long-term stay patients receiving antianxiety medications.

Managing Depression Among Residents

Grade: B-plus

In Beartooth Manor, 2.25% of Patients

This indicates the percent of patients demonstrating depressive symptoms.

Appropriate Vaccine Usage

Grade: B-minus

In Beartooth Manor, 96.01% of Patients

This is the percentage of residents that were given the flu and pneumonia vaccines. Higher vaccination rates should be demanded by residents.

Residents Maintain Autonomy

Grade: D

In Beartooth Manor, 22.35% of Patients

This datapoint measures the percent of long-term care residents who required more assistance with activities of daily living over time. ADL's include activities such as taking medications and eating. Many believe that this is a reliable measure of a patient's well-being.

Ability to Keep Residents Mobile

Grade: B-plus

In Beartooth Manor, 19.28% of Residents

This datapoint measures the percent of long-term stay residents who remained mobile levels.


Grade: A-plus

In Beartooth Manor, 0.01 Hospitalizations per 1,000 resident days

This tells you the number of times residents are hospitalized per thousand days of care.

Short-term Care: Rehospitalizations

Grade: B-minus

In Beartooth Manor, 19.28% of Residents Rehospitalized

This tells you the number of times residents are rehospitalized per 1,000 days of short-term patient care.