With 52,280 people, Liverpool, New York is a relatively small city. Unfortunately, there is just one nursing home there. This nursing home received an overall grade of B-, which is a a respectable rating. This is comparable with most of the places in the United States. You may be satisfied with this nursing home. If you are searching for other options, you're going to have to look at other cities.
While its overall rating was somewhat average, we awarded this city's lone nursing home an A+ for our inspections rating. Inspection ratings take several factors into consideration, including deficiencies and substantiated complaints. You can find more information about each of these items by obtaining copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. This place also received one of our higher scores in our short-term care category, where it earned a grade of B. In our final two categories, this place received grades of C and F for our long-term care and nursing categories respectively. While we found most of its grades to be decent, this low nursing rating isn't a very good sign for nursing staffing levels.