Gallup, New Mexico is an average size city with 27,024 people. It features just 2 nursing homes, which does not provide you with too many options to choose from. These facilities received on average an overall grade of C. This isn't a bad score, but it isn't as high of a grade as we like to see either. This grade unfortunately is on the wrong side of the national average. You also may want to review this place's category grades below.
This city's best category is inspections. We awarded Gallup a grade of B- in this category. These inspection scores take several factors into consideration, including deficiencies and substantiated complaints. You can find more information about each of these items by obtaining copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. The second best score we gave this place in any category was its nursing grade, where we gave it a B-. In the last two categories, Gallup earned middle of the pack grades for our short-term care and long-term care areas.