Cambridge, Maryland is a medium size city with 17,330 people. The city features just 2 nursing homes, which does not give you too many options to choose from. These nursing homes in this city earned this city a city grade of B. We found this city grade was considerably better than the city grade of C received by the nearby city of Dundalk. While that is not a terrible grade, Cambridge appears to be a slightly better option. This city's impressive report card was highlighted by its nursing homes' inspection ratings, which we will address in the next paragraph.
To pair with its strong overall grade, we awarded this city a grade of A- for our inspections category. Inspection scores are tied to items found on the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Places that score well in this area have few deficiencies on their reports. Most importantly, these facilities generally do not have any severe deficiencies which are associated with endangerment of patients. In addition, the city also received an impressive short-term care grade where it received a B in this category. Lastly, the city received a grade of B- for long-term care and a B- in nursing.