There are 6 nursing homes located in Fort Smith, Arkansas, servicing a population of 90,141 people. These facilities received on average an overall grade of C. This isn't a bad score, but it is not quite as strong of a score as we like to see either. Nationally, most cities received a higher score than this city. Please continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes were rated in our category grades.
The nursing homes in Fort Smith received an inspection score which is better than its overall grade. We awarded them a strong grade of B+ in this area. We weigh several aspects of a nursing home's inspection report in determining our inspection grades. One key factor is deficiencies. You should keep in mind that the severity of these deficiencies is arguably more important than the number of deficiencies, as some deficiencies can be relatively minor. In addition, Fort Smith earned a B for its. In the last two categories, the city earned grades of C and D for our short-term care and nursing categories respectively. Even with an otherwise decent profile, a nursing grade of this caliber may be an ominous sign for nursing staffing levels.