Top 11 Nursing Homes Near Waco, TXSkip to content

Nursing Homes in Waco, Texas

Waco's Nursing Home Quality  is graded a "C".

Long-Term Care  is graded a "B".
Inspection Reports  are graded a "B-plus".
Nurse Quality  is graded a "D".
Short-Term Care  is graded a "D".

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With a population of 148,766 , Waco, Texas is a moderately populated city. There are 8 nursing homes there, which provides you with a few options. This place's nursing homes received a city grade of C, which is not one of our stronger grades at the city level. It looks like most cities received a B or higher, leaving this city on the wrong side of average. The best part of this place's profile is is its inspection reports. We discuss inspections in the following paragraph.

This city's best category grade was in the area of government inspections. In that area, we gave Waco a grade of B+. Inspection grades weigh several factors found on a facility's inspection reports. One key criteria we look at is the number and severity of deficiencies. Places with better grades in this area generally have few of these severe deficiencies. The city received a B in the area of long-term care. In the last two categories, we gave Waco rock bottom grades for our short-term care and nursing categories respectively.

Nursing homes in Waco, TX

There are 8 nursing homes

Nursing Homes Near Waco