Top 19 Nursing Homes Near Cordova, TNSkip to content

Nursing Homes in Cordova, Tennessee

Cordova's Nursing Home Quality  is graded a "B".

Long-Term Care  is graded a "B".
Inspection Reports  are graded a "A".
Nurse Quality  is graded a "B-minus".
Short-Term Care  is graded a "B-minus".

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With a population of 78,138 , Cordova, Tennessee is an average size city. Surprisingly, there are just 3 nursing homes there, which is not quite as many as we expected in a city of this size. This relatively small group of nursing homes received on average an overall grade of B, which is a good rating for the city. For comparison's sake, we also looked at the facilities in the nearby city of Memphis, which which also appears to be a decent option. However, we found the nursing homes in Cordova to be rated a bit higher than the ones in Memphis. This place's nursing homes are better in some categories than others, but it did not have any bad scores in any of our major categories discussed below. Additional information about its category grades is available in the next paragraph.

This city received a great overall grade, but we especially wanted to emphasize that some of its nursing homes received virtually perfect health inspections the past few years. We awarded Cordova an elite grade of A in this area. Perhaps the most critical factor we consider in computing our inspection grades is deficiencies. These deficiencies are found on a facility's inspection reports. Nursing homes with higher scores in this area typically avoided the more severe deficiencies involving health risks or even death. In addition, the city earned a B in our long-term care category. In the last two categories, Cordova earned middle of the pack grades in our nursing and short-term care categories.

Nursing homes in Cordova, TN

There are 3 nursing homes

Nursing Homes Near Cordova