Top 30 Nursing Homes Near Southfield, MISkip to content

Nursing Homes in Southfield, Michigan

Southfield's Nursing Home Quality  is graded a "C".

Long-Term Care  is graded a "D".
Inspection Reports  are graded a "C".
Nurse Quality  is graded a "B".
Short-Term Care  is graded a "B".

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With a population of 75,830 , Southfield, Michigan is a medium size city. There are 5 nursing homes there, which gives you some options. We gave this city a city grade of C for an overall score. This is not a strong city score. Nationally, most cities received a higher grade than this city. Please continue reading to find more information about how this city's nursing homes performed in our category grades.

This city's nursing homes' most impressive category grade came in our short-term care category. In that area, we gave the city a grade of B. Short-term care grades are generally employed to score a facility's performance with rehabilitation. In order to have quality rehabilitation services, facilities generally must offer higher levels of skilled nursing. Skilled nursing includes registered nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists and other types of therapists. In addition, the city earned a B in the area of nursing. In the other categories we looked at, this place earned grades of C and D for our inspections and long-term care areas respectively. As you can see, this city's long-term care score really dragged down its overall grade.

Nursing homes in Southfield, MI

There are 5 nursing homes

Nursing Homes Near Southfield