Top 19 Nursing Homes Near Modesto, CASkip to content

Nursing Homes in Modesto, California

Modesto's Nursing Home Quality  is graded a "B".

Long-Term Care  is graded a "B-plus".
Inspection Reports  are graded a "B".
Nurse Quality  is graded a "B".
Short-Term Care  is graded a "B".

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With a population of 255,354 people, Modesto, California is relatively large city. There are 10 nursing homes there, which provides you with a variety of options to choose from. These facilities earned on average an overall grade of B, which is a quality grade for the city. We found this city grade was considerably better than the city grade of C received by the nearby city of Ceres. While that is not an awful grade, Modesto appears to be a slightly better option. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.

On top of receiving a favorable overall grade, the nursing homes in Modesto received strong long-term care rating. In fact, we awarded it a B+ in that category. When nursing homes receive a score in this range in long-term care it generally means it's well-staffed and is an overall good place to reside on a permanent basis. The city also received an impressive inspection score where it received a B in this area. Wrapping up its profile, we gave Modesto strong grades for our nursing and short-term care areas as well.

Nursing homes in Modesto, CA

There are 12 nursing homes

Nursing Homes Near Modesto