Top 24 Nursing Homes Near Raleigh, NCSkip to content

Nursing Homes in Raleigh, North Carolina

Raleigh's Nursing Home Quality  is graded a "B-minus".

Long-Term Care  is graded a "B-minus".
Inspection Reports  are graded a "A-minus".
Nurse Quality  is graded a "B-minus".
Short-Term Care  is graded a "B".

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With a population of 489,514 , Raleigh, North Carolina is relatively large metropolitan area. There are 11 nursing homes there, which should give you plenty of options. We awarded the nursing homes here a city grade of B-, which is a decent score. This is right about in the middle of the pack by national standards, which is nothing to be ashamed of. This city's profile was also very consistent as it didn't receive a single weak category grade either. You can find more information about these in the next section.

While its overall rating was somewhat average, we awarded Raleigh an A- for our inspections rating. Inspection grades are tied to pieces of information located in the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Places that receive favorable grades in this category have few deficiencies on their reports. Most importantly, these places generally do not have any severe deficiencies which are associated with risks to patient safety. In addition, the city also received an impressive short-term care rating where it earned a B in this area. In the other categories we looked at, Raleigh earned a B- for long-term care and a grade of B- in nursing.

Nursing homes in Raleigh, NC

There are 12 nursing homes

Nursing Homes Near Raleigh